This allows you to group code naturally and brings the concept of anonymous inner functions to OpenLaszlo development. 这样一来,便可以很自然地组织代码,并将匿名内部函数的概念引入到OpenLaszlo开发当中。
The Chart of Accounts in SAP consists of two management levels: the group level and the company code level. SAP的会计科目表分为两层管理:集团层和公司代码层。
When you built the excel Workbook project, the wizard added a new security code group and a child code group to the runtime security policy at the user level. 生成excel工作簿项目时,向导会在用户级别向运行库安全策略添加新的安全代码组和子代码组。
Parameter is not an immediate child code group of the current code group. 参数不是当前代码组的直接子代码组。
Determines whether the specified code group is equivalent to the current code group. 确定指定的代码组是否等效于当前代码组。
Intergovernmental Working Group on the Code of Conduct 行为守则政府间工作组
When you delete a code group that has child code groups, you also delete the child code groups. 在删除具有子代码组的代码组时,还将删除这些子代码组。
{ 0} is already being used by another code group. Code groups must have unique names. {0}已经正在由另一个代码组使用。代码组必须具有唯一的名称。
Group diffusion perturbation reactor computer code 群扩散微扰反应堆计算机代码
No policy level, except the application domain level, below the one containing this code group is considered when checking code group membership and granting permissions. 在检查代码组成员和授予权限时,不会考虑包含此代码组的策略级别以下的、应用程序域级别之外的其他任何策略级别。
Code group grants all code full trust and forms the root of the code group tree. 代码组向所有代码授予完全信任,它形成了代码组目录树的根。
The group laid down a code of conduct for its members that barred players from making negative comments about one another and encouraged everyone to play regardless of their skill level. 这个组织为它的成员们设立了一个行为准则,即禁止成员之间负面评价,并鼓励每个人都去参与游戏,不论她水平高低。
With the increase of the code rate, the production distance between the constellation of the unitary group code decreases rapidly and deteriorates the performance of the system. 随着码率的不断增加,酉空时码群中的各个星座点之间的乘积距离会变得越来越小,从而导致性能恶化。
The GPS IRIG-B code time system encapsulates the GPS satellite signal and modernized IRIG-B ( B type format of Inter-Range Instrumentation Group) serial time code and connect them to the computer through a PCI bus, thus offering accurate timing service. GPSIRIG-B码时间系统把GPS卫星信号和现代化靶场间通用的IRIG-B(Inter-RangeInstrumentationGroup,靶场仪器组B型格式)串行时间码封装于一体,通过PCI总线与计算机联系起来,提供高精度的定时服务。
Then we get a conclusion that the group PSL3 ( 2) is also an automorphism group of Hamming code A7. 同时,得出了群PSL3(2)也是汉明码A7的自同构群。
Group orthogonal frequency and code division multiple access system 一种群正交频码分多址系统
This paper discusses the skill to realize the automation of both the calculating pipeline length and counting pipe fittings in the design of piping systems by the technic of the entity group code in the AutoCAD programme. 主要讨论了在热力管道系统设计中,利用AutoCAD实体组码技术进行程序设计,实现管线管件自动统计的方法。
The trellis diagram of the natural state realization of the group code and the path through the trellis diagram of the group code are constructed. 构造了此类群码的自然状态实现的格子图和它的通过其格子图的途径;
Weight distribution of the code can be computed. Some results about automorphism group of the code are also obtained. 计算出这类线性码的重量分布,关于码的自同构群也得到了一些结果。
Hash function can be directly used to data integrity, and be the security guarantee for many cryptosystems and protocols such as signature, group signature, message authentication code, e-cash, bit commitment, coin-flipping, e-voting etc. 杂凑函数是许多密码算法和协议的安全保证,它广泛用于签名、群签名、MAC码、电子钱币、比特承诺、电子选举等。
Based on Group Code An Encryption and Its Algorithm Realization 基于群码的一个加密方法及其算法实现
A group of code names of permit vehicle are specified in new driving credentials according to the state standard. This paper introduces an application for driver license management system based on IC card. 根据《中华人民共和国机动车驾驶证证件》标准,全国已启用新的机功车驾驶证。将IC卡引入驾驶证申请管理系统中,实现了驾驶证申请过程中信息采集和管理的电子化。
Automorphism group of a linear code is obtained with the help of the general linear group constructed by all invertible matrices, and it is illustrated by matrices generalized inverses. 给出了通过求解可逆矩阵构成的一般线性群,获得线性码的自同构群的方法,并利用矩阵广义逆理论,对线性码的自同构群进行进一步刻划。
It was proved that linear transformation group GL3 ( 2) is an automorphism group of Hamming Code A-in paper [ 2]. 在文献[2]中证明了线性变换群GL3(2)是汉明码A7的自同构群。
Simulation Implementation of Differential Space-Time Unitary Group Code Based on MATLAB 基于MATLAB的差分空时酉群码的仿真实现
The state realization and the trellis diagram of a group code defined on lattices are studied. 将其建立在全序集上的概念推广到格上,研究了定义在格上群码的状态实现和格子图;
The Transformation Law of Cryptical Key Transformation Group Act on the Code of RSA Public Key Cryptosystem 公钥密码RSA体系的密钥变换群对码字的变换规律
A new group code scheme was introduced to fit the molecular design with GA. 先提出了适应遗传算法分子设计的新基团编码方案;
And reference on the group code technology, this paper design the automobile welding fixture naming rule. 参考成组编码技术,设计了汽车焊装夹具实例的命名规则,对汽车焊装夹具实例进行编号。